The Moby Store
The links, unless otherwise noted, take you to outside web sites, such as,,,, and the University of Virginia. Each of them has been around for a long time and offers secure online downloading and/or ordering.
- Download a free copy of Moby Dick from either of the following sites.
Read on your computer or print-out. Compare them to see which format you prefer.
Project Gutenberg or University of Virginia.
- offers Kindle EBooks for $.99.
Moby Dick EBooks Unabridged
- See the Kindle Ereaders
Print Books
Moby-Dick (Dover Giant Thrift Editions)
. This is a paperback edition. Under $10.00.
Many other editions are available in all price ranges, but get a copy that you are willing to mark. Look for illustrated editions, editions with larger print, hardback editions.
Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and
Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-ship Essex
by Owen Chase, 1821
Free .pdf copy. This is the best seller that Herman Melville read well before he began writing his novel. This narrative stands on its own for a gripping read, and it provides some insight into the novel, Moby Dick.
Audio Book
Frank Muller's reading recommended.
Videos for Prereading
The DVDs are at premium price. If you have a VHS in your home museum, the copies are very reasonable. Check with your library for a DVD copy. Most libraries are well stocked now with CDs and DVDs. If not, try requesting your title.
Also, you can find plenty on YouTube; however, many videos there are not well researched. Look for the following specific titles from the Discovery and History channels.
You may purchase copies on Amazon:
Two are recommended:
- Moby Dick: The True Story originally produced for the Discovery in 2002. Watch this vidio first. Some information will overlap with the next one, but most does not.
- Essex: True Story of Moby Dick originally produced for the History, History's Mysteries, in 2001.